Series Information

August 27, 2023
Pastor Eric delivers the first message in the series, "What Does the Lord Ask of You?"
September 03, 2023
Rev. Chapman delivers a sermon of hope.
September 10, 2023
Rev. Maynard delivers a sermon about the importance of humility.
September 17, 2023
Pastor Eric delivers the last message in our sermon series, "What Does the Lord...
This ministry of CCUM provides comfort and care to those who are facing a difficult time in life
Needs: Volunteers to visit and call those who are homebound, serve communion once a month for those who can’t come to church, write cards
to the ill and grieving and check-in on those with ongoing illnesses.
Connect: Melissa Head,
Provides free exercise classes with prayer time for people of all ages, shapes, sizes and experience at CCUM and The Healing Place
Needs: People to attend and support those who participate
Connect: Jenny Fishback,
Gathering on Tuesdays and Thursdays in downtown Louisville for people who are in recovery for drug or alcohol abuse that seeks to remind everyone they are a precious child of God and to explore Jesus Christ as their higher power.
Needs: People to attend, cook, serve, share stories
Connect: Leigh Ann Maynard,
Through jewelry making and other initiatives, the Jewels of Grace provide hope and support to the clients recovering from addiction at The Healing Place.
Needs: The Jewels of Grace ministry at CCUM uses financial contributions to buy blankets, towels, bedding, 12-step books, bus tickets, socks, shoes, GED resource materials and the need for coats, shoes and clothing is ongoing.
Connect: Paula Matthews,
Through surrendering yourself to the experience of another person through reading and discussion, you learn greater compassion and how to walk alongside others
Connect: Leigh Ann Maynard,
“In-person interaction at The Healing Place presents a priceless opportunity to show love and support to a stranger in need of a friend.”
For followers of Christ and Methodists, actively participating in issues societal issues is nothing new. With Wesley as our model, we are known as a denomination that addresses the suffering of our neighbors with merciful compassion on local, national and international levels. God showed great mercy toward us while we were suffering under the bondage of sin and its condemnation. With our baptism, we are called to love mercy and to “do good.” Mercy is a gift —an action—that we compassionately give to someone else who is suffering as we follow the example of Christ.
Serves over 2,000 hot meals a month five days a week to all ages, the unemployed, those in fixed income housing and the homeless, without discrimination. Learn more on their website.
Needs: Volunteers to help with food prep and serving, donations of food, equipment and monetary support.
Connect: Leah Bennett,
A voluntary residential program where pregnant women and teens in crisis can live, learn, grow, and transform their lives through the healing touch of Christ. Their goal is to help end the cycle of abuse, neglect, generational poverty and social services dependency of pregnant and parenting women. Learn more on their website.
Needs: People to share love and time as an onsite house mom or just a friend, monetary donations.
Connect: Bill Cooper,
Addresses the hunger needs of Kentuckiana where 1 in every 7 people of all ages struggle with hunger. Learn more on their website.
Needs: Volunteers to shop, sort, do clerical work and more, monetary donations
Connect: Mark Vanderwerp,
Serving children who have experienced abuse, neglect, or trauma through residential treatment, independent living, community-based services, and adoption services. Learn more on their website.
Needs: A variety of short-term and long-term options, monetary donations
Connect: Melanie Anderson,
and Lou Watkins,
“When I was 9 years old, my grandfather ran a rescue mission. I would ride around with him picking up day-old bread from bakeries. We would then go back and prepare and serve meals to the men of the mission. That made a big impression on me then and it continues to drive me today.”
For United Methodists and followers of our founder, John Wesley, taking an active stance in the matters of society is nothing new. With Wesley as our model, we have been recognized as a denominations involved with the daily struggles in people’s lives and with matters of social and political equity on local, national and international levels. Our baptism and commitment as followers of Christ compels us to recognize and address injustice in all forms and circumstances wherever it exists.
Transforms lives and communities by building and repairing homes throughout Louisville and Oldham County. Learn more on their website.
Needs: Consistent volunteers for house teams, volunteers for periodic work days, homebuyer advocates, site selection
Connect: Kevin Scarborough,
Provides life-changing academic, recreational, and mentoring opportunities through Christ-centered values. Learn more on their website.
Needs: Volunteers to assist children with their homework, teaching guitar / keyboard lessons, helping to officiate sports games, leading the kids through an art room activity, etc
Connect: Corey Miller,
Addresses the gaps in care and nurturance experienced by children who live in highly stressful environments due to poverty, community violence, racial discrimination and family disruption. Learn more on their website.
Needs: Volunteers to tutor, one-on-one reading, supervise gym and art activities, financial support
Connect: Bryan Carter,
Provides tools for recovery and meaningful, productive lives for individuals struggling with addiction. Learn more on their website.
Needs: The Jewels of Grace ministry at CCUM uses financial contributions to buy blankets, towels, bedding, 12-step books, bus tickets. socks, shoes, GED resource materials and the need for coats, shoes and clothing is ongoing.
Connect: Paula Matthews,
"I’ve had a lot of opportunities to grow here…the whole staff and volunteers really care about you and your future."
Evonna, age 19, Lighthouse Academy alumnus and college student