Message from Senior Pastor Eric Bryant and Executive Pastor Leanne Hadley from May 1, 2024

Dear Christ Church family,

Today, the General Conference of The United Methodist Church voted overwhelmingly to remove the prohibition against ordination of gay clergy. Delegates also voted that superintendents are not to penalize clergy or churches for holding – or refraining from holding – same-sex weddings.

In June 2022, after a 10-month discernment process, Christ Church adopted a Statement of Welcome and Hope in which we expressed our desire that the exclusionary language regarding homosexuality be eliminated from the Book of Discipline. That hope was realized with today’s vote of the General Conference.

Moving forward, we will learn more about what the changes to the Book of Discipline mean for Christ Church. On Sunday, we will hold a Post-General Conference Pastoral Gathering in Fellowship Hall at 4 pm to begin this learning.

Your Christ Church pastoral staff affirms today’s action taken by the General Conference. We recognize that we have work to do in the coming days, weeks and beyond as we learn what it truly means to follow the new command from Jesus found in John 13:34-35 …Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

As we live more fully into our mission of becoming living proof of God’s love, one person at a time, we will honor this command of Jesus.

Yours in Christ,

Eric & Leanne

General Conference Pastoral Gatherings in Fellowship Hall

Pre-General Conference | Completed Sunday, April 21

Review Meeting Summary

Post-General Conference | Completed Sunday, May 5 

Meeting Summary Coming Soon. 

Did We Take A Vote?

In this update from June 29, 2023, Pastor Eric outlines the discernment process we went through during the time when several churches voted to disaffiliate and why we did not need to take a vote.

What is the General Conference?

The General Conference is the only body that can set official policy and speak for the denomination. Watch the video for more information.

Understanding United Methodist Polity

Polity means “the form of government of a nation, a state, a church or an organization.” “An organized society, such as nation, having a specific form of government.” Government is the “management or administration of an organization, a business or an institution.”

Retired pastor and historian Rev. Dr. Charles Brockwell offers an engaging look at UM Polity along with some helpful history of the Untied Methodist Church. Dr Brockwell makes reference to our Book of Discipline. You can find an online copy HERE