Christ Church Art Ministry

Art enhances worship, deepens Biblical learning, establishes connections across generations, enlightens perspectives on social justice issues, inspires us to introspection and new expressions of faith, and opens us to vibrancy and life in our community. 
We offer art ministry to people of all ages and all skill levels.  We hope you will try it and wonder and experience with us!

Kintsugi Pottery Repair Class

Beautifully Broken: Kintsugi Pottery Repair Class

Saturday, July 20 | 9am – noon | Art Room in the Youth Center

You are invited to find the beauty in the pieces of your own story through the artform of Modern Kintsugi. Break and repair pottery to create your own unique piece of artwork. Taught by award winning author and Modern Kintsugi Artist, Jillian Timberlake (@streamsofgoldmemoir on Instagram, Jillian Timberlake on Facebook).

The cost is $50 and all materials are provided. There is a 6 person minimum for the class. Register below!

Register Today!

"You Are Beloved" Art Exhibit

“You Are Beloved” Art Exhibit, sponsored by Sacred Worth

The 2024 art exhibit sponsored by Sacred Worth, located in Memorial Hall, April 7-21, 2024 has been a blessing to all who have visited. 

Sacred Worth Art Exhibit 2024 from Bryan Carter on Vimeo.