Spiritual Practices

A spiritual practice is any regular and intentional activity that establishes, develops, and nourishes a personal relationship with God. 

Spiritual practices work similar to physical disciplines. Bible reading is like a super-charged spiritual diet. It provides raw material that the Spirit uses to renew your mind and transform your heart. But you can incorporate other practices that help in other ways. For example, fasting is a spiritual practice that encourages delayed gratification and self-discipline. It’s essential to realize that anything can be a spiritual practice if it develops better habits, makes you aware of God’s presence or changes behaviors that make growth difficult.

My Spiritual Practice

Members of CCUM staff share their favorite spiritual practice and why it's important to them. 

Liz Curtis Higgs

Rev. Dr. Leanne Hadley

Rev. Melissa Head

Rev. Mike Porter

Rev. Leigh Ann Maynard

Dr. Dan Blosser

Rev. Dr. Eric Bryant