Advent Events at a Glance

Pointing the Way | An Advent Study with Liz Curtis Higgs

This study has been completed, but videos can be found below these announcements. 

Joy of Every Longing Heart | 2024 Christmas Concert

Come and celebrate the Christmas season with one of our church’s most
treasured traditions! Our annual Christmas concerts feature carols, both old and
new. Admission is free, and all visiting family, friends and guests are

Concerts have been concluded - December 19 Livestream video available below:

Christmas Eve Morning Worship | Sunday, December 24 | 10 am

Worship only. No Sunday School. Childcare is available for ages 5 and under.

Christmas Eve Worship Services | Sunday, December 24 | Sanctuary

3 pm | 5 pm | 8 pm | 10:45 pm
3 pm service is designed for families with young children.
5 pm service will be live-streamed at
Childcare is only available at the 3 pm and 5 pm services and is for ages 3 and under.

New Years Eve Worship | Sunday, December 31 | 10 am

Worship only. No Sunday School. Childcare is available for ages 5 and under.

Adult Advent Study

“Bethlehem…out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.” Micah 5:2

This study has been completed. If you missed it, enjoy these videos from Facebook Live.


Weekly Advent Readings and Assignments


Gather your Advent supplies. READ: This is a time for preparation, of journeying toward Bethlehem. And making straight the path that will bring us into the presence of the Divine. There are messages to hear and journeys to examine. Those who make the journey only need the simple gift of a willing heart. LIGHT and READ: We light a candle for the first Advent candle representing hope for the journey. PRAY: May this household follow God’s light of hope as we journey each day this week! ADDITIONALLY: You may want to read the scripture for this week, Matthew 3:1-10.

ASSIGNMENT: Consider who you need to say these six words to - I am sorry, please forgive me.


Gather your Advent supplies. READ: This is a time for preparation, of journeying toward Bethlehem. And making straight the path that will bring us into the presence of the Divine. There are messages to hear and journeys to examine. Those who make the journey only need the simple gift of a willing heart. LIGHT and READ: We light the second candle representing love for the journey. PRAY: May this household follow God’s light of love as we journey each day this week! ADDITIONALLY: You may want to read the scripture for this week: Luke 1:26-38

ASSIGNMENT: Find someone who is spending this Advent season waiting alone and do something kind.


Gather your Advent supplies. READ: This is a time for preparation, of journeying toward Bethlehem. And making straight the path that will bring us into the presence of the Divine. There are messages to hear and journeys to examine. Those who make the journey only need the simple gift of a willing heart. LIGHT and READ: We light the third candle representing joy for the journey. PRAY: May this household follow God’s light of joy as we journey each day this week! 


Gather your Advent supplies. READ: This is a time for preparation, of journeying toward Bethlehem. And making straight the path that will bring us into the presence of the Divine. There are messages to hear and journeys to examine. Those who make the journey only need the simple gift of a willing heart. LIGHT and READ: We light the fourth candle representing peace for the journey. PRAY: May this household follow God’s light of peace as we journey each day this week! ADDITIONALLY: You may want to read the scripture for this week: Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 2:1-20