Lent 2025

Finding Awe

I, through the abundance of your steadfast love, will enter your house;
I will bow down toward your holy temple in awe of you.
– Psalm 5:7

Awe is a profound emotional response that can significantly impact our wellbeing and perception of the world. Awe often arises from experiences that transcend our usual understanding, such as viewing vast landscapes, listening to powerful music, encountering extraordinary acts of kindness, or feeling heightened devotion and a Divine Presence.

During this season of Lent we are invited to be intentional about cultivating a life of spiritual depth.

Sermon Series: Finding Awe
During our lectionary based worship series this year, we will find awe In:
  • In the emptiness of wilderness and temptation - Luke 4:1-13
  • In Jesus’ lament over Jerusalem - Luke 13:31-35
  • In the call to Repent! - Luke 13:1-9
  • In a Father’s Love for his son - Luke 15:1-3; 11b-32
  • In an extravagant pouring out of devotion - John 12:1-8
  • In a triumphal Entry! - Luke 19:28-40
  • In the an Empty Tomb! - John 20:1-18

LENT Events

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Additional Lent Offerings:

Reflecting on Scripture semi-weekly Lenten podcast 

April 1: New Updated Stations of the Cross

Lenten Podcasts


The Hardest Part

Many of our Sunday Schools Classes are embarking upon a single journey throughout the Season of Lent. The Hardest Part, by Kate Bowler offers the opportunity to find ourselves on the same page of scripture and as recipients of the same blessings. 

Life is this strange, tender mix, isn’t it? Joy and sorrow, love and loss, heartbreak and hope, all tangled together. This year, we invite you to embrace Lent as it is—raw, honest, and tender. This is the season that asks us to stop pretending we’re holding it all together. It’s a time to pause, sit with what’s fragile and unfinished, and let God meet us in the hardest parts of our lives.

Get the Devotional Guide

Lent Photo Scavenger Hunt

CCUM's Children and Youth Ministries invite you on a Photo Scavenger Hunt as we are Finding Awe this Lenten season! Join the photo-a-day challenge by sharing a daily photo that you think matches the word of the day - you can find the words here. Remember to tag CCUM on our social media accounts. Tag us on Facebook: @ChristChurchLouisville or on Instagram: @ChristChurchKY.

Photo Scavenger Hunt

Adult Bible Study: REKINDLE

Tuesdays, March 4 through April 15 | 10 am in the Chapel
Taught by Liz Curtis Higgs

“I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is within you…” 2 Timothy 1:6 

Paul’s last letter to his beloved protégé, Timothy, was written from the dark confines of a Roman prison, encouraging the young believer to keep his faith burning bright. 

Beginning March 4, join Liz Curtis Higgs for a 7-week Bible study of 2 Timothy, a book filled with timeless wisdom and profound truth. Register for this free study below:


Women's Bible Study - Luke in the Land

March 6 through April 17 | 5:30-7pm | Room 260
Want to know Jesus better? Join us on Thursday evenings during Lent!

Join author Kristi McLelland, facilitated by Tish Muldoon, in this 7-session study of the life of Jesus - Luke in the Land. The study features teaching videos from Israeli locations such as Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee and Jerusalem. You'll feel like you've traveled to the Holy Land! 

Order your workbook with video access HERE.