Christ Church Art Ministry

Art enhances worship, deepens Biblical learning, establishes connections across generations, enlightens perspectives on social justice issues, inspires us to introspection and new expressions of faith, and opens us to vibrancy and life in our community. 
We offer art ministry to people of all ages and all skill levels.  We hope you will try it and wonder and experience with us!

Beginner Watercolor Class

Watercolor Flower Painting

Saturday, May 10 | 10 am | A.W.E. Studio in the Youth Center

Join us for a beginner watercolor class. We will paint loose floral blooms and learn to use salt to add texture. You’ll leave with a beautiful floral keepsake—just in time for Mother’s Day!

Registration coming soon!

CALL FOR ART: 3rd Annual Art Exhibit

“We are all the work of God’s hand” Art Exhibit, sponsored by Sacred Worth

You are invited to participate in and view an art exhibit sponsored by Sacred Worth, located in Memorial Hall, April 7-25, 2025

Call for Art! Sacred Worth and A.W.E. ministries are excited to present the 3rd annual art exhibit! This year’s theme is We are all the work of God’s hand (Isaiah 64:8), and will run Monday, April 7 - Friday, April 25 in Memorial Hall. Art pieces may be submitted on Sundays, March 23 and March 30, from 9 am – 12:30 pm and on Wednesday, April 2 from 6 - 7:30 pm in the Gathering Hall.  Contact Kristie Goodwin for more information:

CCUM Members and Friends are invited to submit one piece of original art they have created, including photographs, poetry, drawings, and paintings that fits the exhibit theme. We are not able to receive performance art, recorded music, or digitally viewed art.

Submission Guidelines and Specifications

Art can be framed or not, maximum size for display is 20 inches x 24 inches,

3-dimensional art is welcome and will be displayed on tables, maximum size of the base is 20 inches. You may include an artist’s statement if desired. Please include a small easel or plastic holder for display of the flat art. Any questions about displaying art should be sent to Kristie Goodwin at 

Art will be received Sundays, March 23 and March 30, 9am–12:30pm, and on Wednesday, April 2 from 6 - 7:30 pm in the Gathering Hall

"You Are Beloved" Art Exhibit

“You Are Beloved” Art Exhibit, sponsored by Sacred Worth

The 2024 art exhibit sponsored by Sacred Worth, located in Memorial Hall, April 7-21, 2024 has been a blessing to all who have visited. 

Sacred Worth Art Exhibit 2024 from Bryan Carter on Vimeo.