Reconciled, Week Six - Lent

Pastor Eric delivers the final message in our Lenten series.

Reconciled, Week Five - Lent

Pastor Eric continues our series, "Reconciled."

Reconciled, Week Four - Lent

Pastor Eric asks the question, "How do we live as followers of Christ" in the continuation of our Reconciled sermon series.

Reconciled, Week Three Lent

Pastor Eric continues our sermon series on reconciliation and relationships.

Reconciled, Week Two - Lent

Pastor Eric continues his sermon series on Joseph.

Reconciled, Week One - Lent

Pastor Eric delivers the first message in our Lent sermon series, "Reconciled."

Becoming Free - Week Six

Pastor Eric delivers a message about the prisons in our lives.

Becoming Free - Week Five

Pastor Eric delivers a message about our faith race in life.

Becoming Free, Week Four

Pastor Eric delivers the fourth message in our series, "Becoming Free." He encourages to shine on others as do stars.

Becoming Free, Week Three

Pastor Eric encourages us to live more fully into what Christ is calling us to be.

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August 2024 Sermons