Behold the Wisdom of God

Rev. Jacob Cogman asks us to 'Behold the Wisdom of God.'

Behold the Face of God

Rev. Becki Curry asks us to Behold the Face of God and remember what Jesus taught us.

Behold the Lamb of God

Rev. Becki Curry invites us to 'Come and See' the Lamb of God.

Remember Who You Are 2020

Rev. Becki Curry calls us to remember our baptisms.

The Bethlehem Star

Rev. Brandon Dirks compares the Church to the Bethlehem Star.

Run and Tell That

Reverend Jacob Cogman delivers the message the First Sunday after Christmas

2019 Christmas Eve Sermon

On Christmas Eve, Rev. Jacob Cogman shares the story of the birth of Jesus.

The Way to Peace

Rev. Becki Curry explains how we can find the 'Way to Peace.'

The Night is Nearly Over

Rev. Brandon Dirks gives a sermon on why God makes us wait.

Watching for the Light

Bishop Leonard Fairley discusses how the light can bring us all together.
