Becoming Free, Week Four

Pastor Eric delivers the fourth message in our series, "Becoming Free." He encourages to shine on others as do stars.

Becoming Free, Week Three

Pastor Eric encourages us to live more fully into what Christ is calling us to be.

Becoming Free, Week Two

Rev. Leigh Ann Maynard brings a message of hope and caring.

Becoming Free

Pastor Eric delivers the first message in our new sermon series.

Baptism of the Lord

Pastor Eric delivers us a message reminding us of our Baptism.

Rising for Christmas

Pastor Eric delivers the Christmas message

Bless this Mess

Pastor Eric delivers the message for the Fourth Sunday of Advent reminding us that God is in the middle of every aspect of our lives.

Veiled in Flesh

Pastor Eric delivers a message about waiting.

A One and Only Love

Rev. Bryant reminds us to look around and not miss the important things in life.

Do You Know Him?

Pastor Eric asks us if we know Jesus and encourages us to introduce Jesus to those around us.

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