Our Youth Ministry is unique. Students ages 6th to 12th grade experience a God Centered Model for Spiritual Transformation. Through this, our students learn how to connect with God, one another, and within their own hearts. We strive to help each student find their place as we walk alongside them in their faith journey. 

Youth Confirmation 2025

Confirmation is an important milestone in one's spiritual life. It's an exciting time of exploring, learning, and discerning what it means to be a Christian and a United Methodist. Youth participating in our Confirmation Ministry learn and practice ways to keep growing in faith and how to live into the vows taken during Confirmation.

The journey is powerful and to experience it fully, we ask that your youth commits to participate in all events. Here are the important dates:

  • January 12 OR 15 | Parent Meeting
  • February 21-22 | Confirmation 101 Retreat | Youth Center | Friday 5 - 9 pm & Saturday 9 am - 3pm
  • February 23 - April 6 (Not March 30) | Weekly Confirmation Small Groups | Youth Center | 6 - 7:30pm
  • April 11 -12 | Closing Retreat in Louisville (Location TBD)
  • April 12 | Confirmation Rehearsal | 11 am | Sanctuary
  • April 13 | Confirmation Sunday (Palm Sunday) | 11:15 am Worship

Latest Youth News Update

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Stay up to date on the latest Youth Ministries news and events. Youth News is distributed via email every Thursday and can also be found by clicking the button below.

If you do not receive the weekly updates and would like to be added to the mailing list. Please contact Bobby Patton at .  

Read the Latest Youth News

Youth Ministries Weekly Schedule

Sunday Mornings

10 am | Middle School and High School Sunday School in the Youth Center

The Youth Center is located at Entrance 9 (the back of the church). Youth check-in using our secure system outside the door to the Youth Center. 

Participating in Youth Activities? Make sure you fill out our Youth Family Information Form!

Youth Family Information Form

Sunday Evenings 

4 pm | Middle School and High School Handbells. Middle school Handbells meet in the Chapel. High School Handbells meet in the Handbell Room

5 pm | Laudate and One Voice rehearsals. Laudate meets in the Chapel. One Voice meets in Choir room.

6 pm | Middle and High School Youth Groups in the Youth Center:

Wednesday Evenings 

6 pm  | Wednesday Night Youth Hang Out! - Join us for gaming, doing homework or just hanging out - whatever you need! Wednesday nights, 6 - 7:30 pm in the Youth Center.



  • Middle and High School Sunday School weekly at 10am in the Youth Center.
  • Wednesday Night Youth Hang Out! - gaming, doing homework or just hanging out! Wednesday nights, 6 - 7:30 pm in the Youth Center.
  • Middle and High School Youth Groups in the Youth Center.
  • Youth Choir and Handbell ensembles practice Sunday evenings and perform in Worship throughout the year. 


  • Our youth experience a God Centered Model for Spiritual Transformation. Through this, our students learn how to connect with God, one another, and within their own hearts. We strive to help each student find their place as we walk alongside them in their faith journey. .
  • Our youth participate in mission trips, retreats and choir tours throughout the year, giving their time and talents and growing through the experience. They regularly serve our children's ministry during seasonal events and VBS.
  • Youth are encouraged to explore service areas that excite them, many have started their own ministries to help folks here at Christ Church and in the community. 

Volunteer Needs

  • Middle Sunday School teacher; Join with a team of other adults to lead and teach Sunday school
  • Adult chaperone / supervision: Provide some adult supervision during youth events, outings and trips.
  • Provide food: Provide breakfast snack for Sunday school and Sunday night snack supper.
  • Prayer: Be part of a team that prayers for the youth and their families

Contact to Volunteer

Vocal Choirs

One Voice l High School Vocal Choir 

Many students say they have grown closer to God and have met their best friends through participating in One Voice. Students do not need prior music experience before they join, all are welcome! 

HS Handbells | 4 pm | Handbell Room
One Voice | 5 pm | Choir Room

Want to learn more about One Voice? Contact Dan Blosser -  

Laudate l Middle School Vocal Choir

Laudate offers middle school students the chance to grow spiritually as they worship God. Students do not have to have any prior experience before they join the choir, they just have to have an open heart and be ready to have fun! 

MS Handbells | 4 pm | Chapel
Laudate | 5 pm | Chapel 

Want to learn more about Laudate? Contact Ben Williams - 

View/Download 2024-2025 Full Schedule

Register for Fall 2024

Handbell Ensembles

High School Handbell Choir

High School Handbells offer a unique opportunity for youth to ring handbells in a group setting. They periodically ring during worship and the High School Handbells group participates in the One Voice summer tour. 

HS Handbells Rehearsal | 4 pm | Handbell Room

 Want to learn more? Contact Ben Williams -  t

Middle School Handbell Choir

The Middle School Handbells offer a unique opportunity for youth to ring handbells in a group setting. They periodically ring during worship and often perform around the city, bringing the gift of music to the elderly or homebound. 

MS Handbells Rehearsal | 4 pm | Chapel

Want to learn more? Contact Ben Williams - 

View/Download 2024-2025 Full Schedule

Register for Fall 2024

Youth Ministry Resources

Serving in Youth Ministry

Interested in serving in the Youth Ministry at Christ Church? All adult volunteers must complete our Safe Sanctuary Training. Click below to start the process.

Volunteer Application

Youth and Children Contact Form for Events

Youth Contact Information Form

Safe Sanctuary Training Videos

We believe that God intends for us to welcome and protect children, students and vulnerable adults, and to support those who minister to them as volunteers and employees. Completion of Safe Sanctuaries training is required prior to working with children and youth at Christ Church.

Safe Sanctuaries Training Overview

Safe Sanctuaries Training Video

Youth Ministry Staff

Amy Chapman

Associate Pastor: Welcome and Families

office: 502-882-9696

Bobby Patton

Director of Youth Ministries

office: (502) 882-9967