Be the Church! (Part Four)

Pastor Eric delivers the final message of the Be the Church! series.

Be the Church! Going Home

Pastor Eric delivers the second message in our "Be the Church!" series.

Be the Church! Voices from Home

Pastor Eric continues the "Be the Church!" series.

Be the Church! (Part One)

Pastor Eric begins our sermon series, "Be the Church!"

How is it With Your Soul?

Rev. Leigh Ann Maynard asks us some very important life questions today.

But God

Pastor Eric delivers a message on God's armor.

A Word to the Wise

Rev. Amy Chapman delivers a message assuring us of the promise of blessing from God.

Bread of Life, 2

Pastor Eric asks us, "What are we hungry for?"

Bread of Life

Pastor Eric delivers a message on the bread of life.

Wake Up to the Future

The youth of Christ Church have put together a great service of music, scripture and a message delivered by Andrew Blosser.

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