“I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is within you…” 2 Timothy 1:6
Paul’s last letter to his beloved protégé, Timothy, was written from the dark confines of a Roman prison, encouraging the young believer to keep his faith burning bright.
Beginning March 4, join Liz Curtis Higgs for a 7-week Bible study of 2 Timothy, a book filled with timeless wisdom and profound truth. Register for this free study below:
Join author Kristi McLelland, facilitated by Tish Muldoon, in this 7-session study of the life of Jesus - Luke in the Land. The study features teaching videos from Israeli locations such as Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee and Jerusalem. You'll feel like you've traveled to the Holy Land!
Order your workbook with video access HERE.
Disciple, an immersive and much-loved Bible study series, continues this fall with Disciple II: Into the Word, Into the World. The first half, a deep dive into Genesis and Exodus, begins August 8 and ends November 21, meeting every Thursday from 11-1 in Room 260. We'll take a break through the holidays, then start the second section, an immersive study of Luke, Acts, and the establishment of the Church. on January 9, wrapping up May 1.
In this 32-week study, you’ll watch, listen, share, and grow in your faith, with 16 weeks in the Old Testament, then 16 weeks in the New Testament, led by Steve Keene. On your own, you’ll read a manageable 3-5 chapters of the Bible each day to prepare for your weekly gathering. Each class will open with prayer followed by a lively and engaging video presentation offering insights into the current week’s session, and prompting meaningful discussions with your group.
Bring a Bible in your preferred translation. A Disciple II Study Manual will be provided for a $45 donation.
Booked for Lunch is a monthly book club for women of all ages. We believe that stories provide a powerful avenue for thinking deeply about God and faith at work in the world. As we dig into books by bestselling authors, we ask deep questions: Where is God in this story? How do we see love, forgiveness, and grace play out in this text? How does this story affect me, or change my own faith journey as I’m becoming living proof of God’s love, one person at a time? Reading popular books gives us the opportunity to invite others into these conversations about God—whether at our monthly meeting or beyond—and to share the hope, joy and love that we experience while reading in community. We invite you to bring your lunch and join us on the 2nd Thursday each month.
Finally, a Sunday morning class just for parents of littles! Led by couples from First Things First (a class filled with parents of who’ve been right where you are), All Things New will offer relational, spiritual, and practical encouragement for moms and dads with children from newborn through age five.
Join your peers in Room 002 for coffee and conversation, for the joy of laughing together and praying together, for the chance to let go of parenting guilt and celebrate the good stuff. We promise, these are your people.
Room: 002 (lower level on east side of building)
Contact: Shelah Woodruff
This supportive small group focuses on various books of the Bible and what these books teach us about living the Christian life in today's world. Recent studies include Hebrews, 1 and 2 Samuel, and Revelation.
Room: 253
Contact: Linda Underwood
This lively group is made up of singles and married couples who share in fellowship, Bible study, and worship. Weekly studies follow a scripture-based theme and are led by various church members. This group enjoys a variety of social activities together as well as class mission projects.
Room: 254
Contacts: Mark Vanderwerp, Gene Price and Walt Kunau
This class studies a specific book of the Bible each quarter and is involved in a variety of service projects. Adults of all ages are invited to attend.
Room: 252 or via Zoom (Contact Brad Asher for Zoom link).
This group is open to all who are interested in growing in their Christian faith in a relaxed and informal environment. We typically use the Bible and books with companion videos by authors such as Adam Hamilton and Max Lucado as the basis for discussion. Topics we’ve explored include the Beatitudes, Psalms, Gospel of John, the Apostle’s Creed, and more. We’ve read Adam Hamilton’s books Unafraid, When Christians Get It Wrong, Making Sense of the Bible, and Christianity’s Family Tree.
Room: 251
Contact: Dorris Morrow
This class primarily includes parents with elementary to high school aged children. The group comes together to grow spiritually through prayer, study, fellowship, and service while loving and supporting each other through life's joys and trials. This group often sponsors social gatherings, retreats and service projects.
Room :014 (lower level on the east side of the building)
Contact: Jessica Rosenthal:
Mark Rosenthal:
The Friendship Class was formed in the early `70s by six couples. Today we’ve grown to over 150 individuals. But don’t let our size intimidate you! We like to think we’ve grown so well because we offer a unique blend of individuals who have grown together in a special way through Christ.
So, who are we? We’re mostly couples who have cleared out our nests. Many are grandparents, some even great-grandparents. Some of us are single. But all of us are family! Our age range (not that that matters) is roughly 65 to 85.
We hope you will take the opportunity to visit the Friendship Class. Come and experience our special togetherness in Christ. We meet every Sunday with fellowship beginning at 10:05 AM in room 158 for in-person participation and on Zoom for virtual participation. Average attendance is 85 counting both in-person and Zoom.
Lessons are taught by class members and outside speakers on biblical topics as well as other topics relevant to the class. This group has a strong mission outreach emphasis as well as monthly social events.
Grouping Leader(s): Bill Stinnett, John Wieland, Rob Stockwell, Glenda Thacker
Room: 158
Contact: Bill Stinnett at
The Mulligans class is a diverse, accepting, and open-minded group of church members who are actively seeking to discern God's message to us in the history and teachings of the Old Testament, the revelations of Jesus Christ in the New Testament, and the everyday presence of the Holy Spirit. Our basic foundational belief as a class can be simply stated: God is Love! Class sessions are extended (9:30 am to 11:00 am) to cover selected topics in greater depth and typically consist of lively and challenging discussions. While most class sessions are led by class members, invited guest speakers with unique expertise are often invited to present. We study various books of the Bible as well as agreed upon topical books, most related to our emphasis on biblical exploration. We are intentional in our giving and service in supporting various community organization! We average 12 to 18 souls in attendance each week. Coffee and treats are mandatory! We would love to have you join with us to worship and learn.
Room: 001 (lower level on the east side of the building).
Contact: Bryan Carter | Cell – (502) 550-1730
The former Chapel Discussion Class has a new name—Open Minds—and a new home! Join them each Sunday for lively discussion and thoughtful conversation about the morning’s sermon and other topics of interest.
Contact: John Stover
The Pathfinders class originated at Broadway Methodist Church, a predecessor of Christ Church, and has continued uninterrupted to the present. Today, the Pathfinders class is for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of God’s Word through detailed study of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. Our presentations are led by class and church members, as well as other guest speakers. We welcome people of all ages and stages of life and biblical knowledge. Join us on Sunday mornings for study and fellowship.
Contact: Pat Todd
The Pioneer Class is a closely knit supportive group of couples and single adults seeking to study God and follow his teachings. Our big outreach is Red Bird Mission in eastern Kentucky, whose food pantry we stock with hearty, healthy foods so all can eat throughout the year. We welcome all to our class.
Room: 156
Contact: Sandy Bock
The Seekers Class is a caring and fun-loving group of individuals, who enjoy getting together, whether it be for Bible study or a group dinner. We pray for each other regularly whenever someone is facing medical issues or difficulties with family members. On Sunday mornings we have presentations from gifted speakers on a wide variety of topics. Each year a number of projects or activities are undertaken in support of local charities or schools.
Room: 250
Contact: Jack ShadleIf you're a woman who attends church on your own—whether you are single, never married, widowed, divorced, or the man in your life doesn’t attend church with you—consider SOLO your safe place to land. Taught by various members of the class, each weekly study is centered around Scripture, with a strong emphasis on understanding and applying what we’re learning. SOLO is also a place where you’ll find friends, share in fun social activities, and participate in meaningful service opportunities, especially with our Bridge communities.
Room: 260
Contact: Deborah Fillebrown
Are you new to Christ Church? Not sure which Sunday morning class is right for you? Maybe you’re hoping to meet some new people and get more plugged in. Check out the Welcome Class for fellowship and engaging conversation around a weekly devotion. It’s a flexible group, so feel free to come whenever you can. All are welcome!
Room: 258
Contact: Will Fishback
Congregational Engagement Coordinator/Staff Liaison to Men's Ministries
office: 502-897-9290
Children's Ministry Coordinator: Early Childhood and Holy Listening
office: (502) 657-0357