Together in Joy

The term "together" is really about the grace and power of being together in Christ. When we're together in generosity, we unlock the power of God’s vision for our church and our lives.

Put On Your Shoes

Rev. Head delivers the All Saints Sunday message of hope.

Taken By the Hand

Pastor Eric reminds us Jesus always extends his hand to everyone and encourages us to do the same.


Pastor Eric tells us Jesus always notices us and will never leave us.


Pastor Eric encourages us to hear the voice of God's truth over all other voices.

Living Water

Pastor Eric discusses the woman at the well and our thirst.

"Do You Love Me?" (2020)

Pastor Eric explores the relationship of Jesus and Simon Peter and translates that love to present day.

All Wrapped Up

Pastor Eric examines the things we are and should be wrapped up in today.

Found in the Crowd

Pastor Eric Bryant examines loneliness and how much we matter to Jesus.

Mother to Son

Rev. Cogman discusses the importance of memories and encourages us to remember the "fullness" of the story.

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