Latest Message
Finding Awe in Repentance
Mar 23, 2025
Pastor Amy delivers the 3rd Sunday in Lent message.
God's love is the most powerful force in the world. It can transform the heart of hate and strengthen the heart of fear. It can inspire action and motivate to serve. To put it simply, God's love matters. We believe that experiencing God's love is the key to finding and living the kind of life God created us to live.
God is Calling! [Listening, Learning, Living Your Calling]
At Christ Church United Methodist, we are a people joined together in becoming living proof of God’s love, one person at a time. Wherever we are, whether at home, at work, at school, or at play, we have the opportunity to widen the circle of those being embraced in God’s love. This mission we live in at CCUM is fueled by the notion that God is, eternally, calling. God is calling people through means of listening and of learning that lead us to the action of living our own dynamic calling. We affirm that God is calling you, and we invite you to discover your calling at Christ Church United Methodist.
We help equip people to clarify their calling. Each person of Christ Church will listen to God, learn from our community and live the calling that God has for us as the Holy Spirit reveals it. Our vision for the next five years is of a transformed congregation and community, where hundreds of stories of people discovering and living their calling are shared; several dozen new ministries focused on serving our community are born, and thousands of people in our city will experience the love of God.
Christ Church United Methodist’s Vision and Discernment Team had prayerfully worked over a period of nine months, discerning a way for our church to move forward as we waited on the General Conference’s resolution regarding human sexuality. The Team presented their Statement of Welcome and Hope to the Administrative Council and members of the congregation; it was affirmed and adopted on June 20, 2022.
In accordance with our intent to remain United Methodist as explained in the 2022 Statement of Welcome and Hope, Christ Church United Methodist acknowledges and supports the inclusive language in the 2024 UMC Book of Discipline with respect to the ordination of LGBTQ clergy and same sex marriage.
Our Senior Pastor is Rev. Dr. Eric Bryant. Pastor Eric joined Christ Church in the summer of 2019. He entered pastoral ministry in 1991 and became an ordained elder in the Kentucky Annual Conference in 1999. He has a passion to reach the people for Jesus Christ and to see the church renew, grow and become all God desires it to be.
Our Administrative Council is our congregational leadership body. Our current chairperson is George Thacker.
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Polity means “the form of government of a nation, a state, a church or an organization.” “An organized society, such as nation, having a specific form of government.” Government is the “management or administration of an organization, a business or an institution.”
Retired pastor and historian Rev. Dr. Charles Brockwell offers an engaging look at UM Polity along with some helpful history of the Untied Methodist Church. Dr Brockwell makes reference to our Book of Discipline. You can find an online copy HERE.